Escaping the city – Pentland Hills (Blog post no. 100!)



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My flatmate, Ellie, asked if I wanted to join her, her friend and our other flatmate, Chelsey, for a hike in the Pentlands Saturday morning, which I said yes to, thinking it would most likely not happen (knowing my ability to get up early in the morning and the fact that Edinburgh weather rarely let a day pass without rain). But what do you know, we got up at 8 in the morning and left the house by 9! I am so happy we went, it was such a nice way to start the day. The weather was perfect (although a bit windy at the top), and I even brought my camera and got some nice pictures. Incredible what a little fresh air can do to you, it was such a nice break from stressful uni work.

Thank god we’re heading towards warmer, brighter days now. I loved this little trip, hopefully there will be more of them before exams are here!

This is also my blog post no. 100! I guess I would have hit 100 a long time ago if I managed to post something a bit more frequently, but hey, still feel proud that I’ve kept this blog alive for this long.

The last stop









Oh my, I’ve already been back for over three weeks, and today was my first day out with my camera since I got back! Not good. The concept of time is a bit hard to grasp right now, it feels like I’ve only been back for a couple of days, but at the same time it feels like I never left.

My new courses at Uni are so interesting, I’ve met a lot of amazing people, started a new and healthier life style which include exercise a couple of times a week, and  made a proper budget to stick to for this semester. Also passed my exams for the first semester, which was a huge relieve!


The weather today was so lovely that you’d have to be a fool not to take a walk outside. So i layered up and went out with my camera, exploring all the beautiful places that Edinburgh has to offer. Today’s trip went up Regent Road, and it only took a couple of hundred meters before I found a beautiful old cemetery called Old Calton Cemetery.

It might seem a bit odd for some people that you would choose to go for a lovely afternoon walk in a cemetery, but there are just so many amazing photo opportunities there! The old graves with green moss on top of them,  the details and the colors are just perfect for some nice pictures. I find the peace and quiet so relaxing, and usually imagine how peoples lives where when reading the old graves, what they did for a living, how old they were and if they had kids, wives, husbands. A cemetery reminds me more of the life that was than the actual death.

Also went up Calton Hill. Will post pictures from that later this week. Quite a busy week coming up, so it might be good to “store” some pictures! I’ll promise to keep the posts to a more frequent level than what it’s been the last three weeks!

Revising in Starbucks





Less than a week left before my first exam, getting pretty nervous now! Every day is devoted to revising as much as possible and my head feels like a balloon on the verge of bursting. Ever had that feeling of reading but not really…absorbing what you read? That’s my everyday life right there…

Can’t wait to get home to Norway! I’ve been told there’s plenty of snow compared to Edinburgh’s weather that reminds me more of early spring than anything else.  Can’t wait to see my friends and family don’t think I’ve ever missed people as much as I have this semester. 11 days to go!

Can’t wait for Christmas!



Got a Christmas gift calendar in the mail yesterday from my parents back in Norway! I always feel like a little girl again when Christmas is around the corner and I get my calendar, don’t think I’ll ever grow too old for this!


The exams are coming up; I’m stressed out and find myself struggling to balance my time right. Can’t wait to go back home for Christmas and see my friends and family again! Just three weeks now, but also three exams before that as well…

Went and bought myself a miniature Christmas tree for my room, just to get a hint of that Christmas spirit! Such a cute little tree, it makes me happy just to look at it. It is finally getting colder here, even though the nature still looks a lot like autumn would look in Norway. Would be awesome with a bit of snow, crossing my fingers*.

Skin texture

Exams are coming up.

Time to fight with blood, sweat and tears!