Pretty Edinburgh

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I’m done with my exams for this semester, and can finally take some time to enjoy how incredible beautiful Edinburgh is right now. The Meadows is absolutely breathtaking, so if you’re in the area: go take a look! Definitely worth getting a little fresh air and a couple of minutes of freedom, especially if you’re a student revising for your exams right now (feel your pain, hang in there!). Hoping to get a lot of days outside this month before I head back to Norway for the summer, crossing my fingers that most of the days will be filled with sunshine!

London and Kaizers Orchestra










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These guys were amazing! The King’s Parade.




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So long since last time! I have been incredibly busy with all my exams, and the last month’s been a non stop revision month where I’ve literally spent 14 hours at the library, and only been home to sleep and shower. The only break I had was my trip to London to see Kaizers Orchestra, something I’ve been looking forward to since I bought the tickets in December!

Feels like such a long time ago already, but it was an amazing trip, and I had a great time with great friends! Even got to meet some of the band members of Kaizers Orchestra, which explains my super stoked happy face on the last picture, haha. I’m such a kid.

I’m currently back in Norway for a little break before going back to Edinburgh til mid June. So happy to be done with my exams, I can finally relax a bit and enjoy the amazing weather Edinburgh got to offer. Can promise more posts from now on (:

The King and All of His Men



Passed 300 followers now! Hooray!

6 925 piercings and one unicorn later













Look at the unicorns! Actually Scotland’s national animal, no joke.




As part of my “go out and take pictures once a week”-plan, this Saturday was spent walking around in Edinburgh in the sunny (but windy!) weather. Met a woman I’ve been hoping to meet since I moved here, Elaine Davidson, and got a few photos with her! She was really nice, and so cheerful. So happy to finally have seen her in real life!

Wandered around for a bit before ending up visiting Edinburgh Castle. One thing I love about this city is how there’s treasures everywhere! Beautiful churches on almost every corner, old buildings with the most amazing details, and so many historical places to visit. Also found out that Scotland’s national animal is a unicorn, which is just hilarious! Wish Norway had something more exciting than an elk…like…Spongebob Squarepants or something! That would have been so cool ~dream~.

Got a new phone now, Samsung galaxy SIII, so some of the photos were taken with the phone camera, since the lighting inside many of the buildings at the castle was rather dark, making it impossible for my Nikon lens to get enough light. Don’t think they turned out to bad either.

My days consist of staying at the library reading for my exams, going home late and then going to bed. All my flat mates are at home, so it’s soooo quiet here. Miss having someone to tell me to do the dishes, haha. It’s gonna be so nice to have them back at the end of the week, the flat feels so incomplete without them.

Oh! Also got my old Nikon D50 now, which my flat mate Ellie will be borrowing, so now I’ll get a photo buddy! Yay! Hopefully that will mean more photos and more activity on the blog.

Dive into an endless ocean II


Sunniva, winter ’11


Been spending my days at the library, so not much photos so far this week! But I’m planning a little adventure this weekend, hopefully the weather will be splendid! Got a new lens for my camera as well, so planning to give it a test run 😀

Dublin, last bunch of photos















The last photos from our trip to Dublin!

Even though it was freezing and not the best weather, it was still a really nice trip! I would probably recommend people that want to travel to Dublin to do so in the summer months, especially if you are like me and would like to photograph your visit. Oh, and be careful when dancing in the pubs/clubs so you don’t twist your foot and have to walk around with a black/purple foot for the rest of your stay.

Can definitely recommend The Abigail’s Hostel for people who want a cheap but nice place to stay! It was really close to all the pubs, and nice and clean.

This was such a nice trip, hoping to travel a lot more that I’ve done this semester. It’s good for body and mind to get away from “home” once in a while and get some new, fresh inputs.

St James Distillery, Edinburgh













It’s been forever since I posted anything here, and for that I’m sorry. There’s been too much to do, and too little time for me to finish it all!  Some thing had to be more of a priority than others, which leaves the blog to be one of the less important tasks since it’s such a time consuming thing to wrap together a decent post. But here it finally is with a promise to not let it be so long til next post!

Our third day in Dublin was devoted to  The St. James Distillery. It was really cool to see how the whisky (Scottish way!) was stored in huge barrels over several years, some as much as 18 years! Got some nice tastings as well and bought ourselves a nice, warm Irish coffee with proper Jameson Irish Whisky! Tasted so good, nom nom! I would definitely recommend people visiting Dublin to set a side a couple of hours at the St. James Distillery, there is a lot of stuff to see, and a lot of nice things to taste!

St. James’s Gate Brewery (Guinness Brewery)






























The Guinness brewery was such a cool experience, even for someone like me who doesn’t even  like beer. Since the weather kept being rather cold and grey, a day in the brewery was just perfect! I would totally recommend everyone visiting Dublin to use half a day (or maybe even a whole one, depending on how many free tastings you get!) in the brewery.

I’m going to start watermarking my photos now, since there’s been a couple of episodes now where people use my photos without asking and/or crediting, which I find pretty annoying. Hopefully you’ll be able to enjoy the photos even with the watermark, although I find it hard to focus on anything but the writing on the photos now!

Still got a lot of photos from Dublin, so there will still be several posts from that trip, hope people still find it interesting!

Dublin -Part I









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First post with pictures from the trip to Dublin!
We arrived so early on Friday morning that the first thing we did was to eat a full Irish breakfast (which tasted like cardboard), before going full tourist-mode for the rest of the day. Dublin was rather cold and gray, much like Edinburgh, so photo opportunities outside were rather limited. This first day was packed with happenings, like museums, pubs, some really good food and some really bad dance moves that left one of us with a black/purple foot. Thankfully not me, haha!

All in all a good first day in Dublin!

More pictures coming soon.

Dive into an endless ocean

Photoshoot med Sunniva-1

|Photoshoot med Sunniva-

I have been digging through my hard drive lately, looking at the endless stream of pictures I’ve taken the last couple of years. Thought I’d try to post some of them here on my blog, think it’s interesting to look at how much my photographs have changed in the years. These pictures are filled with noise and low resolution and I never saved anything as a RAW at that time, but I still like the idea.

Pictures taken four years ago (can’t believe it’s been so long!).
Sunniva is the model. I just love the red leaves in the background, lighting up almost like a fire!

I’m sick right now, which means that the beautiful weather in Edinburgh unfortunately is not getting documented with my camera. Going on a weekend trip to Dublin on Friday, so hopefully both weather and health will be at its best then, and I can return with a bunch of great photos!